People often think that a cavity comes from wear and tear. So they ignore the early signs of a cavity. They erroneously believe if they don’t use it, then it won’t deteriorate further. Unfortunately, it is bacteria and not the usage that causes cavities. So left untreated, a small cavity can grow into quite a large one. Part of the tooth might break off, or it will start to hurt. If the dentist takes an x-ray and the tooth root is healthy, there is no need to do a root canal. However, he has to remove a large portion of the tooth to remove the decay.
Because so much of the tooth has been removed, the tooth becomes unstable. There is not enough enamel left to hold the needed filling. The only solution is to place a Tooth Crown in Philadelphia over it. The dentist shapes the remaining tooth into a small cube. If there is not sufficient enamel for this, he will insert short gold posts to act as braces for the resin, which will augment the enamel. He/She then takes an impression of the cube. This is sent to a dental laboratory. A technician there will fashion a porcelain crown. He/She will also follow instructions about its color and shading. It will take about 10 days. The patient then returns, and the dentist permanently cements it in place. When the process is finished, no one will know that it’s a crown and not a natural tooth.
There is a newer way for a dentist to make a Tooth Crown in Philadelphia. Once the dentist has the cube-shaped, he uses a small digital camera at the end of a wand to take a photograph. This information is then fed into a computer. It takes the information and creates a three-dimensional model of the tooth. The network is attached to a particular milling machine. A piece of resin that matched the desired tooth color is inserted in it. The computer then creates a tooth from the gum. Additional dyes and stains can be used to improve the color match. The dentist then cements the Tooth Crown in place. It only takes a single visit to complete the process.
To know more, visit Absolute Smile.