Getting a Tooth Filling in Del City OK is usually a nearly painless procedure. Patients who are planning to get their first fillings, or to take their children in for theirs, should still know a few things about this common procedure, though. They can read on to find out about what to expect after getting a filling and how to ensure proper aftercare.
As the Anesthesia Wears Off
It typically takes one to three hours for the anesthesia to wear off after a simple procedure like a tooth filling. Avoid chewing while it is still in effect to avoid biting the tongue or cheek and don’t drink anything extremely hot since this can have a scalding effect. Children sometimes wind up chewing on their tongues, lips, or cheeks after receiving anesthesia because they don’t understand that it will create painful wounds later on, so they should always be watched to make sure they’re behaving.
The First Day
Avoid chewing on the side that has the new filling for the first day. It may be sensitive to pressure. It’s also important to pay attention to bite and to call the dentist if the new filling is hitting the other row of teeth early upon biting down, as this can lead to future pain and discomfort.
Gum Irritation
The site of the anesthetic injection may be sore for a few days. Similarly, a patient’s gum tissue may feel sore or irritated immediately following the procedure if the filling was close to the gum line. This soreness is normal and can be alleviated with over-the-counter painkillers.
Increased Sensitivity
It’s also very common for patients to experience increased sensitivity after getting a Tooth Filling in Del City OK, sometimes for as long as one to two weeks. Just avoid particularly hot or cold foods and beverages and pick up a sensitive-teeth toothpaste.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Now that patients have found out what they can expect after getting their new dental fillings, it’s time for them to take that first step and call to schedule an appointment. Don’t have a dentist? Check out Sunnylane Family Dentistry online today to learn about one that can help. You can also visit them on Facebook.